so we took a trip to the local bar this weekend to celebrate
senor blac's work being in some zine! im blowing it and cant remember
the name but they featured his work and gave props to the grizmobeach site!

naps to go!

new hat for the gang! found it in my pops
trunk and was like"can i get that"?

blac was nailing it!

fucking classic cab's!!!

the mon called who joined us. we pretended he was an intern the
whole night. fucked up but all in good fun.
thanks for not trippin monzoid

the whole night we talk about ideas for grizmobeach.
oct2 is when some of the ideas will be put into action
real talk

intern monzoid testing the waters

at some point in the night things got too real for the intern,
so he left. me and blac thought he quit and got bummed but our young intern
surprised us with some chang bang goodness!
thanks mon!

two hands... two beers!!

man down!

in the end goodtimes were had. sir blac took one for the
team though. i dont remember how he got laced, but i think he did it while
ridding the shred stick.
muerte cerebral patos!