Wednesday, August 31, 2011

universal slouch of hopelessness

this guy was found after the irene storm.


classic bozo bopping

some randoms.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

droop of despair

sleazy no like train noise


went to the tyutyunik house for an amazing

backyard feast

notice the guy with the guitar.

he was absolutly great. i wish i was able to

get footage of all the songs but i scored only one song.

i will post it tomorrow

mdot gone wyld

big thank you to the tyutyuynik family for

inviting me to dinner.

always a superb meal and atmosphere.

great folks over there
for sure

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

pedal to the metal pt1

went to the poconos for the sprint cup.

lunch box reads the list off to make sure we have

everything for our three day adventure.

hell to the yes


this guy was telling us wyld tall tales

of how he smoked crack with pam anderson.

he proceeded to tell us after she smoked crack she could suck

a dick meaner than a hoover vaccum.


we had 200 of these for three days

and only three of us to to take em down.

bacon mc muffin with jalepeno cheese.

no egg

we brought a porta shower

with solar shower bag inside.

bros stayed fresh

for sure.

continued in pt2

pedal to the metal pt2

this was our camp site before the

perfect storm rolled through

cheese with port

lizmo and lunch box



jumbo fly over!

bros, start yer engines.

concluded in pt3

pedal to the metal pt3

american grandstand

guns on guns



nascar was an amazing experience.

grab some buds and go if you ever

get the chance.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

goodness or badness

og bozo member 666

long butts were out...peep the other grey butt

on the left. straight bag of socks


going for it

oops! header into the trash.

bam bam biggalo's older brother

best vest god bless


member 666 on the road to ruin.

nascar pics next week.

you've been warned

ya dolts!